TORONTO — Hundreds turned out to the streets of Toronto to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as the city set a temperature record on Sunday. The annual parade is held on the Sunday prior to March 17 and this year it kicks off a week of festivities leading to the joyous celebration next Saturday when a record amount of Guinness will surely be poured in this city.
Along with parade-goers from the various counties of Ireland and the numerous floats, Sunday’s march also featured dance troupes, a few leprechauns and seven DeLoreans as members of the DeLorean Owners Club of Ontario joined in.
What does DeLorean have to do with St. Patrick’s Day? No clue, other than perhaps we now know that Marty McFly was indeed Irish.
One Comment
March 18, 2013 at 4:16 amTrivia; DeLoreans were build in Dunmurry, a suburb of Belfast, Ireland… 🙂