From Our Archives: Easter and Israel


Easter 99

Entrance to the Cenacle, or “Upper Room”, site of the Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30). Jesus enjoyed a meal with his disciples at this location before his crucifixion. (Rod Charles/ occasionally publishes content featuring destinations outside of Canada. Our deputy editor Rod Charles visited Israel and shares a few pictures of his journey from our archives. We hope you are having a peaceful Easter weekend.

Nothing beats travelling because there is only so much that a person can take from a book, even if that book is the bible. Seeing things for yourself firsthand will always be the best way to learn.

For Christians – or people who are simply interested in the religion or history in general – Israel is a must. There are many places where it is possible to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. In Old Jerusalem, tourists can see a city that has changed since the first century yet in many ways has somehow managed to stay the same.

As the world stops to recognize Easter today, shares four pictures from our archives.

Mount of Beatitudes

Sermon on the Mount

The Mount of Beatitudes (Matthew 5:7) where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount (Rod Charles/


Easter 5

Jesus performed a miracle (John 5:8) at the Bethesda pools.  (Rod Charles/


Israel Church 2

The ruins of Capernaum (Matthew 4:13) where Jesus lived for awhile. (Rod Charles/


Go Israel Website:
Telephone: 1-416-964-3784
Before you depart
Security is intense. Your suitcase will be searched, and you should expect to be asked odd and at times intrusive questions at the airport before going through security. I felt safe in Israel.

Rod has previously worked for and is currently freelancing for Huffington Post Travel. He’s also written travel articles for the Toronto Star and Up! Magazine. Living in Toronto but raised in the small central Ontario village of Holstein, Rod is a country boy at heart who has never met a farmer’s market he didn’t like.

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