Eagle, Queen Charlotte Lodge, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Wildlife viewing

Photo of the Week — Majestic Eagle in Haida Gwaii

Eagle, Queen Charlotte Lodge, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Wildlife viewing

Eagles are abundant in British Columbia’s Haida Gwaii islands. (Julia Pelish/Vacay.ca)

Haida Gwaii is an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean off British Columbia. The islands, formerly called the Queen Charlottes, are situated south of Alaska and north of Vancouver Island. Remote and pristine, a trip to this part of Canada provides ample opportunity for wildlife photography and viewing. This is the habitat for migrating whales, families of beers, foxes and tons of eagles. Although eagles are easy to spot they are tricky to photograph. Either perched on the tallest tree branch or soaring high in the sky, getting the shot can require lots of takes. The eagle in the photo, above, seemed to sympathize with my struggles and decided it was time to give me a break. After I got my camera steady and in focus, it slowly alighted from the tree, flew close by my canoe (yes, I was stalking eagles from the water) allowing this photo to be taken. I think this is the only good eagle shot I got from my week there.

Simply email us at photos@vacay.ca and your travel photo could get chosen — and you could win a great travel prize!

Vicky is the worldly publisher of Vacay.ca. Having graduated from McGill University in Montreal, she has set about building a talented team of travel experts to deliver to you words and images of the very best places to see and experience in Canada. Based in Yorkville in Toronto, Vicky regularly jet sets around Canada — be sure to catch up with her when she's in your part of the country.



    February 22, 2012 at 12:01 am

    Dear Vicky

    I just one to tip my hat ,that is a killer shot. I have been going to Haida Gwaii,since ’06 and you are right, trying to get find an eagle and then take the shot is hard. I have some eagle shots that I would like to submit. Hopefully they will be as good as your shot.


    • Vicky Vacay

      February 22, 2012 at 2:46 am

      Hi Jason,
      Thanks for the compliments. And of course you can submit photos. You’ll even win a travel prize once your picture is published! Email photos@vacay.ca with your photo and caption info; images sizes should be a minimum of 1 MB.

      Haida Gwaii is one beautiful spot — look forward to seeing your pictures!

      Vicky, Julia & Team Vacay!


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